About Us
It all started on March 25th, 2019. It was the first day of classes. After discussion about what the project would be and what was expected out of us, we were told to form our group and start thinking of ideas.
This is how Bad Gateway Games was formed.
The six of us immediately began brainstorming. We had an idea of a horror game, but instead of a traditional horror game, YOU are the "horror." Thus began the production of "Before It's Too Late."
We had 10 weeks to go from conceptualization to a complete Gold version. The process started with our design doc, then our Alpha to simply show the mechanics and rough layout. After that came time for our Beautiful Corner and preparing for our Beta. Only a few weeks remained after Beta, so we quickly worked towards our Gold.
Those 10 weeks went by fast. With that class completed, we then proceeded to our next class for another 10 weeks of production. Because of scheduling issues, we lost our main programmer and UI artist for this second set of 10 weeks. Even with setbacks, we've worked hard over the past months to finally bring you,
"Before It's Too Late."
As we've grown as a team, some have left while others stayed. We'd like to give a shout out and big thank you to our teammates that have chosen to follow other life paths along with anyone else that has helped along the way.